Information and Videos of Unique Slot Machines
If you have one of these for sale please let me know. If I am not interested odds are I know a collector who is.
These machines are either from my personal collection or from collections of various people that I know who were kind enough to let me take a video of their machine.
In some cases the collector emailed me the video or brought the machine over to my house so I could get the video.
Unless stated otherwise, assume the machine is NOT for sale. If you have a question about a particular machine then email it to me and I will forward it to the owner.
In the videos I sometimes will mention how scarce a particular machine is. However, I do not give my opinion on what the value of the machine is.
Mills Dice |
Caille Aristocrat |
Mills Bonus |
Pace Kitty |
Mills Futurity |
Watling Derby
Watling Rol-A-Top
Watling Rol-A-Top |
Mills Skyscraper |
Mills War Eagle Video has advice about identifying reproductions. |
Jennings Prospector Coming Soon |
Evans Races |
Click on the play (right arrow) to view the clip. To adjust the volume click on the volume icon. To pause the clip click on the pause button. |
Mills Cricket |
Caille Silver Cup |
Fey Duo |
Superior Races |
Buckley Bones |
Mills Owl Floor Wheel with Music |
Watling Treasury |
F. Mills Jockey |
Mills Check Boy |
Mills Vest Pocket |
Jennings Sun Chief |
Mills Future Play Golden Vendor |
Mills Melon Bell |
Want to see a video of a particular machine? Send me an email and I will see what I can do. My email is When I am actively working on it I will put it in the grid above.
If you have an unusual machine and would like to have it featured above send me an email and we can discuss it.
Other Interesting Coin Operated Devices
Coochie Coochie |
Mills Violono Virtuoso |
Mills Hi Boy |
Twilight Zone Pinball |
While I don't usually buy non gambling related items I do know serious collectors and dealers who do. If you have a non gambling related coin-op device and want to sell it then let me know and I will put you in touch with a reputable collector or dealer. |